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Concurrent Session 01 - HaRav Aharon Kaufman - Peer Pressure - The role of extrinsic motivation in עבודת השם
Concurrent Session 01 - Mrs Faige Zelcer - Tznius and Technology - Contemporary challenges – an effective approach
Concurrent Session 01 - Rabbi Avrohom Anisfeld - Effect change in difficult situations through wholesome effective communication
Concurrent Session 01 - Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg - 10 Rules of Effective Encouragement - the path to internalizing values
Concurrent Session 01 - Rabbi Yaakov Shamshon Rawicki - Yiddish - התחלת גמרא - יסודות איתנים לחיים ש
Concurrent Session 02 - Dr David Pelcovitz - Working with the Depressed or Anxious Child
Concurrent Session 02 - Rabbi Avrohom Anisfeld - Fluency in Saying Chumash or Gemara
Concurrent Session 02 - Rabbi Mayer Volf Blau - Yiddish - לשמר ולחזק את יכולות הקריאה בכיתות גב
Concurrent Session 02 - Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg - Climate Change - creating a culture you can feel when you walk through the door
Concurrent Session 02 - Rabbi Yehoshua Levy - Do ׳s and the Dont’s of Communication with Teachers, Parents and Students
Concurrent Session 02 - Rebbetzin Yitti Neustadt - Enabling teenage girls to connect to their inner selves
Concurrent Session 03 - Dr David Pelcovitz - Working in partnership with parents towards responsible digital citizenship
Concurrent Session 03 - Mr Chaim Guggenheim - A glimpse into the Feuerstein Method
Concurrent Session 03 - Mr Jonathan Rabson - Strategies to embed a culture of child safety in the school and classroom
Concurrent Session 03 - Rabbi Mendel Frank - Yiddish - להקנות לתלמידים את פרשיות הקרבנות
Concurrent Session 03 - Rabbi Yaakov Shamshon Rawicki - Developing the child's uniqueness within a classroom setting
Concurrent Session 03 - Rebbetzin Yitti Neustadt - Touch & Go Relationship - How do we strengthen & bond with challenging teenager
Concurrent Session 05 - Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Klein - Hebrew - הנחוץ בלימוד האמונה
Concurrent Session 04 - HaRav Aharon Kaufman - How can תפילה in school can bring our students closer to ה
Concurrent Session 04 - HaRav Yehuda Leib Wittler - Teaching Chumash Rashi - the central place רש״י has in being מחנך our children
Concurrent Session 04 - Mrs Faige Zelcer - Think Tank - Parents and schools – Effective partnerships
Concurrent Session 04 - Rabbi Aharon Pinczewski - What makes a Successful Rebbe or Morah
Concurrent Session 04 - Rabbi Yaakov Shamshon Rawicki - Rate Without A Grade - alternative ways to assess our students success
Concurrent Session 04 - Rebbetzin Scheina Halperin - Hebrew - החינוך - גננות ולא נגרות
Concurrent Session 05 - Mrs Faige Zelcer - Reacting Without Alienating
Concurrent Session 05 - Rabbi Avrohom Anisfeld - Yiddish - משמעת ואהבה - המלמד - המנהיג הרחמן
Concurrent Session 05 - Rabbi Mayer Volf Blau - Basics of teaching קריאה
Concurrent Session 05 - Rabbi Yehoshua Levy - Ten things Mechanchim should know about growth mindset
Concurrent Session 06 - HaRav Gershon Miller - Teaching אמת with אמת
Concurrent Session 06 - Mr Chaim Guggenheim - Hebrew - מיהו התלמיד שלי - איך לאבחן ולממש את יכול
Concurrent Session 06 - Mrs Shana Guttentag - A Deeper Understanding - teaching through questions
Concurrent Session 06 - Rabbi Avrohom Anisfeld - How to deal with disrespect and putting an end to it
Concurrent Session 06 - Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg - Classroom Mission Statement Workshop
Concurrent Session 06 - Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman - Creating an excitement for learning מפרשים
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